Services & Pricing
If you have been asked to arrange a defensive driving provider for your organisation, you've come to the right place; well sort of! Driver Training Australia is a road safety training organisation led by Jeremy Williams. Jeremy has more than 40 years experience working with adult learners in just about every setting you can imagine. So yes, we can definitely deliver a one-day, safe-driver, training program at your site, anywhere. That's what we do. Our programs are based on the "NSW Roads & Traffic Authority, Framework for Driver Education, An essential guide for the production of driver education programs and assessment systems” (1997)". That sounds pretty heavy, right? Well, yes it is heavy. However, that means everything we do is based in sound educational practice and grounded in valid and reliable science. That's why we don't deliver a defensive driving coure on the skid-pan, or advanced driving course on the race track. Our programs are based on the ideas researched and presented by experts in the "Framework' as "Low Risk Driving". We learn what cautious behaviour really is, why we might not drive this way, and if you're interested, how you need to change the way you think to cause the changes.
A Low Risk Driving course is ideally suited to drivers in organisations with a well developed safety-culture. It is the type of course you might do after you've done an ordinary defensive driving course, or perhaps several courses over the years. Once you've done your initial Low Risk Driving Course, it's best to attend a half-day Low Risk Driving Refresher in about 18 months or two years.
We can offer Four Wheel Drive (4WD) training if you require, no problem. However, as most serious 4WD crashes happen on the road, travelling to, or from, off-road work locations, why not arrange a Low Risk Driving Course in your Four Wheel Drive (4WD) vehicles? Professional 4WD operators almost never crash because they don't know how to operate their 4WD vehicle. They most often crash because they're driving too fast to be able to stop without swerving etc. Swerving can lead to roll-over, and roll-over leads to serious injury or worse...are you with us?
If the worst happens, Jeremy can, with the support of an internal team from your organisation, perform an Incident Investigation. We use the ICAM Model which incorporates Root Cause Analysis. This process identifies a range of contributing factors, that go beyond simple driver input.
If you have a conference in the planning, Jeremy is available as a Keynote Speaker and can provide an engaging and high impact presentation to large groups. Take a look at some Testimonials at the bottom of the Contact page.
A Low Risk Driving course is ideally suited to drivers in organisations with a well developed safety-culture. It is the type of course you might do after you've done an ordinary defensive driving course, or perhaps several courses over the years. Once you've done your initial Low Risk Driving Course, it's best to attend a half-day Low Risk Driving Refresher in about 18 months or two years.
We can offer Four Wheel Drive (4WD) training if you require, no problem. However, as most serious 4WD crashes happen on the road, travelling to, or from, off-road work locations, why not arrange a Low Risk Driving Course in your Four Wheel Drive (4WD) vehicles? Professional 4WD operators almost never crash because they don't know how to operate their 4WD vehicle. They most often crash because they're driving too fast to be able to stop without swerving etc. Swerving can lead to roll-over, and roll-over leads to serious injury or worse...are you with us?
If the worst happens, Jeremy can, with the support of an internal team from your organisation, perform an Incident Investigation. We use the ICAM Model which incorporates Root Cause Analysis. This process identifies a range of contributing factors, that go beyond simple driver input.
If you have a conference in the planning, Jeremy is available as a Keynote Speaker and can provide an engaging and high impact presentation to large groups. Take a look at some Testimonials at the bottom of the Contact page.
Low Risk Driving CourseFixed Price on Application
A one-day, safer-driver program, for professional drivers, delivered at your site anywhere in Australia, New Zealand or the Pacific Islands. The program includes class-room based reflective learning, and practical driving activities in real traffic conditions near your site. This program IS suitable for drivers who may have attended a Defensive Driving, or Advanced Driving Course in the past. Normally, 8 participants attend each program. Please contact us for an all inclusive, fixed price quote to deliver training at your location. Instructor to ratio, 1:4, 2:8, 3:12 etc. |
Low Risk Driving Course - RefresherFixed Price on Application
A half-day, safer-driver program, delivered at 18 months to 2 years after the initial Low Risk Driving Course. This program revisits concepts and personal insights gained on the initial training. This program is NOT suitable as a refresher for drivers who may have attended a Defensive Driving, or Advanced Driving Course in the past. Normally 8 participants attend each program. However, we can deliver two programs per day with a total of 16 participants per day. Please contact us for an all inclusive, fixed price quote to deliver training at your location. Instructor to ratio, 1:4, 2:8, 3:12 etc. |